Another edit of @zalera_sgh from a shoot a few months ago. Funny – we were on a public sidewalk and a guy renting the location inside wanted us to leave. He was all about freedoms he said. Zalera’s image would have fit well with his club, and between us we’ve got lots of local followers to recommend to, but we won’t give him any free publicity. We didn’t want to cause any issues so we moved on. Too bad for him. #Models wanted & artwork 4 sale at www.UCPhoto(dot)net #Followme @UCPhotog © #model #modelmayhem #Norcal #Oakland #SanFrancisco #SanFran #sexy #sf #sfbayarea #eastbay #hottie #potd #picoftheday #curves #curvy #woman #women #girl #hunk #Asian #Latina #510 #415 #650 #408 #209 #707 #559 Appropriate comments appreciated.

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